Hakimi’s wife loses out since the player registers all assets in her mother’s name


Achraf Hakimi, a Paris Saint-German (PSG) defender, surprised his wife, Hiba Abouk, by filing for divorce over infidelity charges.

Abouk, 36, went to court to seek the dissolution of their marriage and claimed half of Hakimi’s property as part of the divorce settlement, but it was revealed that he had no assets.

Moroccan International, 24, had registered all of his properties and assets in the name of his mother, Sadia Mouth.

“Ashraf Hakimi’s wife had filed for divorce and wanted them to separate and divide the assets in court.”

“When they divorced and agreed to divide the assets, they discovered Ashraf Hakimi had no assets, and neither did the bank.” According to Stades Football Club, Ashraf Hakimi “put all his fortune in his mother’s name a long time ago.”

Hakimi is paid €1 million every month.

They began dating in 2018, married in 2020, and have two boys. In March 2023, she filed for divorce.

Previously, the famous defender was charged with raping a lady he invited to his matrimonial house while his wife and family were in Dubai.

In the meantime, several Twitter users have reacted to Hakimi’s actions. Some of these comments are as follows:

“Achraf Hakimi’s mother has lived long enough to know these girls are the same,” @MrBlackOG commented. “This is the smartest move I’ve seen in 2023.”

“Achraf Hakimi and Ronaldo are both Mama’s boys,” says Views09. Everyone will understand why Ronaldo hasn’t married Georgina after having four children with her. When you slack, you lose your properties, wise folks.”

@Wesley_Kibande: “Achraf Hakimi has demonstrated to many of us through his actions that the woman you are dating or marrying will never be your relative.” Your only relative is your mother or sister.”

@FellMentKE simply said, “Achraf Hakimi to the world: Your mother is the only person who will never betray you as a man.”

“Y’all Meet Achraf Hakimi, The Only Man Who Defeated A Woman By Using Another Woman.” The Legend to Be Remembered By History 🤣

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