UNESCO Reports Increasing Murder Of Journalists


The number of journalists killed worldwide rose to 86 last year from 55 in 2021, representing a 36 per cent rise.

The United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) reported on Monday that the latest death figures recorded are after several years of consecutive decline.

Over half the murders occurred in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Most media workers were reportedly killed in Mexico, followed by Ukraine and Haiti.

“The authorities must redouble their efforts to put an end to these crimes and ensure that perpetrators are convicted, because indifference is a major factor in this climate of violence,” said UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay said on Monday.

According to him, the number of media workers killed actually dropped from 2018 to 2021 and has now risen significantly again.

UNESCO noted that half the journalists were not killed while doing their jobs, but while travelling or in their own homes.

The report said that this shows that there is no safe place for journalists, not even in their free time.

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