Yul Edochie Questions His Daughter As She Shares Her Plan To ‘Japa’ After Finishing Her Studies

Yul Edochie, a Nollywood actor and politician, has left many of his fans speechless after sharing a lovely video of him and his daughter Danielle as he drove her back to school.
While Yul was driving, Danielle was seen filming them as the actor, and his daughter had various conversations, ranging from the goodies she brought back to school to her plans after her first degree.

The video clip showed Yul asking his daughter if she wanted to pursue her Masters and PhD.

Danielle responded that she does not intend to pursue another degree and that she plans to travel abroad after finishing her studies.

Yul, for his part, asked her amusingly who would pay, and she replied that he would.

Yul captioned the video, which he posted on his Facebook page: “Discussing the way forward with my daughter while taking her back to school.”

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